Artifical Intelligence

Explain it to me like I’m 5 What’s the difference between NLP and NLU

What Are the Differences Between NLU, NLP & NLG?


In order for systems to transform data into knowledge and insight that businesses can use for decision-making, process efficiency and more, machines need a deep understanding of text, and therefore, of natural language. Natural Language Understanding is a big component of IVR since interactive voice response is taking in someone’s words and processing it to understand the intent and sentiment behind the caller’s needs. IVR makes a great impact on customer support teams that utilize phone systems as a channel since it can assist in mitigating support needs for agents. One of the major applications of NLU in AI is in the analysis of unstructured text.

Rasa Open Source is actively maintained by a team of Rasa engineers and machine learning researchers, as well as open source contributors from around the world. This collaboration fosters rapid innovation and software stability through the collective efforts and talents of the community. Depending on your business, you may need to process data in a number of languages. Having support for many languages other than English will help you be more effective at meeting customer expectations. Without a strong relational model, the resulting response isn’t likely to be what the user intends to find. The key aim of any Natural Language Understanding-based tool is to respond appropriately to the input in a way that the user will understand.


NLU and NLP have become pivotal in the creation of personalized marketing messages and content recommendations, driving engagement and conversion by delivering highly relevant and timely content to consumers. These technologies analyze consumer data, including browsing history, purchase behavior, and social media activity, to understand individual preferences and interests. These technologies work together to create intelligent chatbots that can handle various customer service tasks. As we see advancements in AI technology, we can expect chatbots to have more efficient and human-like interactions with customers.

It’s looking to understand the intent of a user’s query, the entities mentioned in a sentence, and the sentiment expressed. It’s like Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a case, it’s trying to make sense of all the clues and evidence. The syntactic analysis NLU uses in its operations corrects the structure of sentences and draws exact or dictionary meanings from the text. On the other hand, semantic analysis analyzes the grammatical format of sentences, including the arrangement of phrases, words, and clauses. However, NLP techniques aim to bridge the gap between human language and machine language, enabling computers to process and analyze textual data in a meaningful way. Our conversational AI uses machine learning and spell correction to easily interpret misspelled messages from customers, even if their language is remarkably sub-par.

N Language P in Layman’s Language

Surface real-time actionable insights to provides your employees with the tools they need to pull meta-data and patterns from massive troves of data. Tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, syntactic parsing, machine translation, etc. NLU can analyze the sentiment or emotion expressed in text, determining whether the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral. This helps in understanding the overall sentiment or opinion conveyed in the text. To explore the exciting possibilities of AI and Machine Learning based on language, it’s important to grasp the basics of Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Here – in this grossly exaggerated example to showcase our technology’s ability – the AI is able to not only split the misspelled word “loansinsurance”, but also correctly identify the three key topics of the customer’s input. It then automatically proceeds with presenting the customer with three distinct options, which will continue the natural flow of the conversation, as opposed to overwhelming the limited internal logic of a chatbot. The dreaded response that usually kills any joy when talking to any form of digital customer interaction. Modular pipeline allows you to tune models and get higher accuracy with open source NLP. Try Rasa’s open source NLP software using one of our pre-built starter packs for financial services or IT Helpdesk.

Pushing the boundaries of possibility, natural language understanding (NLU) is a revolutionary field of machine learning that is transforming the way we communicate and interact with computers. When it comes to natural language, what was written or spoken may not be what was meant. In the most basic terms, NLP looks at what was said, and NLU looks at what was meant.

Natural language processing is generally more suitable for tasks involving data extraction, text summarization, and machine translation, among others. Meanwhile, NLU excels in areas like sentiment analysis, sarcasm detection, and intent classification, allowing for a deeper understanding of user input and emotions. In addition to natural language understanding, natural language generation is another crucial part of NLP. While NLU is responsible for interpreting human language, NLG focuses on generating human-like language from structured and unstructured data.

The more linguistic information an NLU-based solution onboards, the better of a job it can do in customer-assisting tasks like routing calls more effectively. Thanks to machine learning (ML),  software can learn from its past experiences — in this case, previous conversations with customers. When supervised, ML can be trained to effectively recognise meaning in speech, automatically extracting key information without the need for a human agent to get involved. Thus, simple queries (like those about a store’s hours) can be taken care of quickly while agents tackle more serious problems, like troubleshooting an internet connection.

All of which helps improve the customer experience, and makes your contact centre more efficient. Automated encounters are becoming an ever bigger part of the customer journey in industries such as retail and banking. Efforts to integrate human intelligence into automated systems, through using natural language processing (NLP), and specifically natural language understanding (NLU), aim to deliver an enhanced customer experience. NLP provides the foundation for NLU by extracting structural information from text or speech, while NLU enriches NLP by inferring meaning, context, and intentions. This collaboration enables machines to not only process and generate human-like language but also understand and respond intelligently to user inputs.

Given how they intersect, they are commonly confused within conversation, but in this post, we’ll define each term individually and summarize their differences to clarify any ambiguities. NLP centers on processing and manipulating language for machines to understand, interpret, and generate natural language, emphasizing human-computer interactions. Its core objective is furnishing computers with methods and algorithms for effective processing and modification of spoken or written language. NLP primarily handles fundamental functions such as Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging and tokenization, laying the groundwork for more advanced language-related tasks within the realm of human-machine communication. NLU delves into comprehensive analysis and deep semantic understanding to grasp the meaning, purpose, and context of text or voice data.

By automating customer support, providing real-time language translation, and generating actionable insights from customer data, NLU-powered AI enhances operational efficiency and accuracy. This ensures that businesses not only keep pace with but also anticipate and respond to the evolving demands of modern consumers. Being able to rapidly process unstructured data gives you the Chat GPT ability to respond in an agile, customer-first way. Make sure your NLU solution is able to parse, process and develop insights at scale and at speed. Of course, Natural Language Understanding can only function well if the algorithms and machine learning that form its backbone have been adequately trained, with a significant database of information provided for it to refer to.

Language Generation

Organizations face a web of industry regulations and data requirements, like GDPR and HIPAA, as well as protecting intellectual property and preventing data breaches. In the real world, user messages can be unpredictable and complex—and a user message can’t always be mapped to a single intent. Rasa Open Source is equipped to handle multiple intents in a single message, reflecting the way users really talk. ” Rasa’s NLU engine can tease apart multiple user goals, so your virtual assistant responds naturally and appropriately, even to complex input. Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT series and Google’s Gemini have made headlines for their language generation capabilities.

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With FAQ chatbots, businesses can reduce their customer care workload (see Figure 5). As a result, they do not require both excellent NLU skills and intent recognition. Instead of worrying about keeping track of menu options and fiddling with keypads, callers can just say what they need help with and complete more effective and satisfying self-service transactions. Additionally, conversational IVRs enable faster and smarter routing, which can lead to speedy and more accurate resolutions, lower handle times, and fewer transfers. It may take a while, but NLP is bound to improve consumers’ perceptions of IVRs. The subtleties of humor, sarcasm, and idiomatic expressions can still be difficult for NLU and NLP to accurately interpret and translate.

Forethought’s own customer support AI uses NLU as part of its comprehension process before categorizing tickets, as well as suggesting answers to customer concerns. NLU also enables the development of conversational agents and virtual assistants, which rely on natural language input to carry out simple tasks, answer common questions, and provide assistance to customers. Another important application of NLU is in driving intelligent actions through understanding natural language.

It encompasses tasks such as text planning, data-to-text transformation, and surface realization to generate narratives, reports, or dialogue responses. In essence, while NLU deals with understanding language, NLP covers a broader spectrum of language processing tasks, and NLG centers on generating language output. By using NLU technology, businesses can automate their content analysis and intent recognition processes, saving time and resources. It can also provide actionable data insights that lead to informed decision-making. Techniques commonly used in NLU include deep learning and statistical machine translation, which allows for more accurate and real-time analysis of text data.

By applying NLU and NLP, businesses can automatically categorize sentiments, identify trending topics, and understand the underlying emotions and intentions in customer communications. This automated analysis provides a comprehensive view of public perception and customer satisfaction, revealing not just what customers are saying, but how they feel about products, services, brands, and their competitors. These technologies have transformed how humans interact with machines, making it possible to communicate in natural language and have machines interpret, understand, and respond in ways that are increasingly seamless and intuitive. Natural language understanding is a subset of natural language processing that’s defined by what it extracts from unstructured text, which identifies nuance in language and derives hidden or abstract meanings from text or voice. It is a technology that can lead to more efficient call qualification because software employing NLU can be trained to understand jargon from specific industries such as retail, banking, utilities, and more.

It is quite common to confuse specific terms in this fast-moving field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. In fact, the global call center artificial intelligence (AI) market is projected to reach $7.5 billion by 2030. Easy integration with the latest AI technology from Google and IBM enables you to assemble the most effective set of tools for your contact center.

These models learn patterns and associations between words and their meanings, enabling accurate understanding and interpretation of human language. Accurate language processing aids information extraction and sentiment analysis. Of course, there’s also the ever present question of what the difference is between natural language understanding and natural language processing, or NLP. Natural language processing is about processing natural language, or taking text and transforming it into pieces that are easier for computers to use. Some common NLP tasks are removing stop words, segmenting words, or splitting compound words.

There might always be a debate on what exactly constitutes NLP versus NLU, with specialists arguing about where they overlap or diverge from one another. But, in the end, NLP and NLU are needed to break down complexity and extract valuable information. To learn why computers have struggled to understand language, it’s helpful to first figure out why they’re so competent at playing chess. With Akkio’s intuitive interface and built-in training models, even beginners can create powerful AI solutions.

In this example, the NLU technology is able to surmise that the person wants to purchase tickets, and the most likely mode of travel is by airplane. The search engine, using Natural Language Understanding, would likely respond by showing search results that offer flight ticket purchases. The voice assistant uses the framework of Natural Language Processing to understand what is being said, and it uses Natural Language Generation to respond in a human-like manner.

So, when building any program that works on your language data, it’s important to choose the right AI approach. This is in contrast to NLU, which applies grammar rules (among other techniques) to “understand” the meaning conveyed in the text. The last place that may come to mind that utilizes NLU is in customer service AI assistants. Intent recognition involves identifying the purpose or goal behind an input language, such as the intention of a customer’s chat message. For instance, understanding whether a customer is looking for information, reporting an issue, or making a request.

Specifically, NLU zeroes in on a machine’s ability to comprehend the subtleties and implied meanings within language. Where NLP might convert text to data, NLU brings understanding to that data, enabling AI to perceive emotions and nuances, not just words and their arrangements. Entity recognition identifies which distinct entities are present in the text or speech, helping the software to understand the key information.

Get to Know Natural Language Processing

NLG involves the development of algorithms and models that convert structured data or information into meaningful, contextually appropriate, natural-like text or speech. It also includes the generation of code in a programming language, such as generating a Python function for sorting strings. By understanding human language, NLU enables machines to provide personalized and context-aware responses in chatbots and virtual assistants. It plays a crucial role in information retrieval systems, allowing machines to accurately retrieve relevant information based on user queries.

Two people may read or listen to the same passage and walk away with completely different interpretations. If humans struggle to develop perfectly aligned understanding of human language due to these congenital linguistic challenges, it stands to reason that machines will struggle when encountering this unstructured data. Integrating NLP and NLU with other AI fields, such as computer vision and machine learning, holds promise for advanced language translation, text summarization, and question-answering systems. Responsible development and collaboration among academics, industry, and regulators are pivotal for the ethical and transparent application of language-based AI.

  • NLG becomes part of the solution when the results pertaining to the query are generated as written or spoken natural language.
  • The future of language processing holds immense potential for creating more intelligent and context-aware AI systems that will transform human-machine interactions.
  • Without NLU, NLP would be like Superman without Clark Kent, just a guy with cool powers and no idea what to do with them.

Similarly, supervisor assist applications help supervisors to give their agents live assistance when they need the most, thereby impacting the outcome positively. Contact center operators and CX leaders want to improve customer experience, increase revenue generation and reduce compliance risk. While NLP and NLU are not interchangeable terms, they both work toward the end goal of understanding language.

Based on lower-level machine learning libraries like Tensorflow and spaCy, Rasa Open Source provides natural language processing software that’s approachable and as customizable as you need. Get up and running fast with easy to use default configurations, or swap out custom components and fine-tune hyperparameters to get the best possible performance for your dataset. The core mechanism of natural language processing involves converting unstructured data into a structured format.

NLP Use Cases

As these techniques continue to develop, we can expect to see even more accurate and efficient NLP algorithms. Today’s Natural Language Understanding (NLG), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Natural Language Generation (NLG) technologies are implementations of various machine learning algorithms, but that wasn’t always the case. Early attempts at natural language processing were largely rule-based and aimed at the task of translating between two languages. One of the primary goals of NLU is to teach machines how to interpret and understand language inputted by humans. NLU leverages AI algorithms to recognize attributes of language such as sentiment, semantics, context, and intent. For example, the questions “what’s the weather like outside?” and “how’s the weather?” are both asking the same thing.

Natural language processing is a technological process that powers the capability to turn text or audio speech into encoded, structured information. Machines that use NLP can understand human speech and respond back appropriately. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but you can see how artificial intelligence is transforming processes throughout the contact center.

NLU and NLP are instrumental in enabling brands to break down the language barriers that have historically constrained global outreach. NLU and NLP facilitate the automatic translation of content, from websites to social media posts, enabling brands to maintain a consistent voice across different languages and regions. This significantly broadens the potential customer base, making products and services accessible to a wider audience.

NLU can be used to automate tasks and improve customer service, as well as to gain insights from customer conversations. If you completed the Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals badge, you learned about unstructured data and structured data. Natural language–the way we actually speak–is unstructured data, meaning that while we humans can usually derive meaning from it, it doesn’t provide a computer with the right kind of detail to make sense of it. The following paragraph about an adoptable shelter dog is an example of unstructured data. Since about 2009, neural networks and deep learning have dominated NLP research and development.

Machine Learning (ML) is a broad field of study that gives computers the ability to learn and improve from experience. LLMs are a product of ML and are specifically designed to understand and generate human language. They represent a focused application of ML that encompasses advanced language capabilities, often surpassing general ML models in this specific domain. LLMs are a subset of NLP focused on generating and understanding large volumes of text. NLP, however, includes a wider range of technologies, including speech recognition, language generation, and NLU—each with its own set of applications and uses.

In 2022, ELIZA, an early natural language processing (NLP) system developed in 1966, won a Peabody Award for demonstrating that software could be used to create empathy. Over 50 years later, human language technologies have evolved significantly beyond the basic pattern-matching and substitution methodologies that powered ELIZA. As we enter the new age of ChatGP, generative AI, and large language models (LLMs), here’s a quick primer on the key components — NLP, NLU (natural language understanding), and NLG (natural language generation), of NLP systems. On the other hand, NLG involves the generation of human-like language output based on structured or unstructured data input. Unlike NLU and NLP, which focus on understanding and processing existing language, NLG is concerned with producing coherent and contextually appropriate textual or verbal responses.

So, even though there are many overlaps between NLP and NLU, this differentiation sets them distinctly apart. Natural languages are different from formal or constructed languages, which have a different origin and development path. For example, programming languages including C, Java, Python, and many more were created nlu/nlp for a specific reason. For instance, the word “bank” could mean a financial institution or the side of a river. Once the machine totally understands your meaning, then NLG gets to work generating a response that you will understand. NLU is used along with search technology to better answer our most burning questions.


It is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on the ability of computers to understand and interpret human language. Today, NLP plays an essential part in how humans interact with technology, as well as in everyday life. NLP enables computers to understand the complexity of human language as it is spoken and written, using AI, linguistics, and deep machine learning to process and understand real-world input in an efficient manner. If a developer wants to build a simple chatbot that produces a series of programmed responses, they could use NLP along with a few machine learning techniques. However, if a developer wants to build an intelligent contextual assistant capable of having sophisticated natural-sounding conversations with users, they would need NLU.

Top Natural Language Processing (NLP) Providers – Datamation

Top Natural Language Processing (NLP) Providers.

Posted: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

It can use many different methods to accomplish this, from tokenization, lemmatization, machine translation and natural language understanding. It extracts pertinent details, infers context, and draws meaningful conclusions from speech or text data. While delving deeper into semantic and contextual understanding, NLU builds upon the foundational principles of natural language processing. Its primary focus lies in discerning the meaning, relationships, and intents conveyed by language.

These sophisticated tools are designed to interpret and respond to user queries in a manner that closely mimics human interaction, thereby providing a seamless and intuitive customer service experience. Akkio’s no-code AI for NLU is a comprehensive solution for understanding human language and extracting meaningful information from unstructured data. Akkio’s NLU technology handles the heavy lifting of computer science work, including text parsing, semantic analysis, entity recognition, and more. In the past, NLU and NLG tasks made use of explicit linguistic structured representations like parse trees. While NLU and NLG are still critical to NLP today, most of the apps, tools, and virtual assistants we communicate with have evolved to use deep learning or neural networks to perform tasks from end-to-end. For instance, a neural machine translation system may translate a sentence from, say, Chinese, directly into English without explicitly creating any kind of intermediate structure.


Consumers are accustomed to getting a sophisticated reply to their individual, unique input – ۲۰% of Google searches are now done by voice, for example. Without using NLU tools in your business, you’re limiting the customer experience you can provide. Natural Language Generation is the production of human language content through software. Natural-language understanding (NLU) or natural-language interpretation (NLI) is a subset of natural-language processing in AI understanding natural language that deals with machine reading comprehension. For instance, a simple chatbot can be developed using NLP without the need for NLU.

It’s the one that can generate text, translate languages, and summarize long articles. It’s like Superman, it’s got all these cool abilities to save the day and make our lives easier. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Conversational AI can extrapolate which of the important words in any given sentence are most relevant to a user’s query and deliver the desired outcome with minimal confusion.

Similarly, NLU is expected to benefit from advances in deep learning and neural networks. We can expect to see virtual assistants and chatbots that can better understand natural language and provide more accurate and personalized responses. Additionally, NLU is expected to become more context-aware, meaning that virtual assistants and chatbots will better understand the context of a user’s query and provide more relevant responses. Natural language understanding interprets the meaning that the user communicates and classifies it into proper intents. For example, it is relatively easy for humans who speak the same language to understand each other, although mispronunciations, choice of vocabulary or phrasings may complicate this. NLU is responsible for this task of distinguishing what is meant by applying a range of processes such as text categorization, content analysis and sentiment analysis, which enables the machine to handle different inputs.

It goes beyond the structural aspects and aims to comprehend the meaning, intent, and nuances behind human communication. NLU tasks involve entity recognition, intent recognition, sentiment analysis, and contextual understanding. By leveraging machine learning and semantic analysis techniques, NLU enables machines to grasp the intricacies of human language. In today’s age of digital communication, computers have become a vital component of our lives. As a result, understanding human language, or Natural Language Understanding (NLU), has gained immense importance.

By analyzing the songs its users listen to, the lyrics of those songs, and users’ playlist creations, Spotify crafts personalized playlists that introduce users to new music tailored to their individual tastes. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. This feature has been widely praised for its accuracy and has played a key role in user engagement and satisfaction. Learn about factors affecting AI pricing, development costs, and the value of ready-made solutions. Agentic RAG, an evolution of traditional RAG systems, enhances information retrieval with intelligent agents for more accurate, flexible, and efficient results. We also offer an extensive library of use cases, with templates showing different AI workflows.

Overall, text analysis and sentiment analysis are critical tools utilized in NLU to accurately interpret and understand human language. In both intent and entity recognition, a key aspect is the vocabulary used in processing languages. The system has to be trained on an extensive set of examples to recognize and categorize different types of intents and entities.

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